Vision and Mision


The Geography Study Program of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UNM as a center for the development of science and technology in the field of Geography which has an international standard and has an entrepreneurial perspective and is able to provide benefits for sustainable development in order to improve the welfare of mankind.


  1. Prepare professional geography graduates, able to use survey technology and natural resource mapping, national and international competitiveness and entrepreneurial spirit;
  2. Organizing research and development activities in geography to support sustainable development;
  3. Organizing community service programs that provide solutions to environmental and natural resource problems;
  4. Organizing public services based on geography; and
  5. Build a network of cooperation nationally and internationally


  1. Produce geography graduates that are professional, have good moral character, are able to use survey technology and natural resource mapping, are competitive on the national and international levels, and possess the ecopreneurship spirit;
  2. Create and expand research to address issues with the environment and natural resources;
  3. Create community service initiatives that address issues with the environment and natural resources;
  4. Establish effective, efficient, accountable, and transparent public services based on geography; and
  5. Create networks for national and international cooperation.